From what I've learnt from being a student and a student teacher, every teacher has different beliefs and philosophies when it comes to teaching children. I, like the teachers I have observed, have my own beliefs and values when it comes to teaching. Firstly, teachers are one of the most present adults in their life. While knowing this, I believe that a teacher should act authoritatively with their students. This allows for rules set by the teacher to be enforced and followed without needing to yell or shout at the students.

The teacher should also be kind, caring and welcoming towards the student. This will allow the student to understand that the teacher is there to help and assist them when they need it. It could also help the students feel more comfortable comfortable in the classroom and school. This belief was further developed during my field experience as I was able to witness how the students reacted and behaved with my cooperating teacher who followed a similar belief. My cooperating teacher was an authoritative teacher but was also kind and caring when it came to the students. The students responded amazingly to this approach, as they felt as though they can depend on them.

I also had the opportunity to develop relationship with the students during my field experience. I was able to do so by being kind, caring, and respectful, but also firm when needed. Additionally, I believe that teachers should actively encourage students throughout their journey in school.

In addition, I also believe that when teaching students they should be involved in their learning. As seen with the constructivism ideology, students should be active in their learning, for instance participating in solving examples, adding ideas to certain activities. This can allow for the students to better grasp the work ahead of them, and also feel connected with what they are learning instead of disconnecting.

During my field exeprience, I was able to witness how students were being active in their learning and how it benefitted them. The students would often provide examples during discussions, ask questions, and add ideas to discussions or activities that my cooperating teacher would lead. The students seemed to be more willing to do their work and believed it to be less of a chore.

Furthermore, the teacher should fabricate the curriculum to include the students interests and needs. I believe that if the lesson includes the students’ interests it will allow them to have more of a connection with the material being taught. I believe that it will also allow for students to be more willing to participate and learn since it is something they enjoy.

I believe that having the curriculum adhere to the needs of the students, it can make the students with those needs feel more comfortable and included in the class. I had the opportunity to be in a classroom that had students of varying abilities. As such, my cooperating teacher tailored the curriculum to fit the students' needs. I found that the students thrived more in this fashion, as they did not feel lost or behind in a sense. They were working at their own pace but were more successful in completing their work and excelling in the subject.

Equally important, I believe that I am always growing and learning from experiences with my students and field experiences. This is something important to me as students need to know that although I am their teacher, I am still learning like they are. I may not have the answers to everything but I am going to find the answers along with them.