
Throughout my field experience, the teachers I worked with had a variety of books that the children could choose from, that covered a multitude of different themes. The Name Jar in particular covered the theme of accepting one's individuality and not changing for others. In the future I would use similar books, to assist the students understanding in more difficult themes such as, accepting one's individuality and embracing other's differences. The teachers also had books that could inspire students when doing a writing piece, such as The Gingerbread House. I would use books that coincide with the writing pieces that I plan for my students. This would allow for the student's imagination to develop further, and be more beneficial with future projects. I would also use books to foster my students love of reading in the future, instead of having them believe reading is just another task to do for homework.

Artwork from Students:

These are images that two students gave to me during my stage. Both of the image were form Pre-K students, who felt comfortable enough to give me their art pieces. I had made the students feel comfortable with my presents in the classroom enough so they would be willing to talk to me, or be near me if they needed anything. I was calm, kind and I asked the students questions about what they were doing/interested in throughout my time in the classroom, I also added my interests when speaking with them. I modified this tactic was used in the older grades as well, which helped the older students also be comfortable with my presents in their classroom. In the future I would use a similar tactic when meeting my students for the first time and throughout the year. This would allow my students to be more comfortable with asking me questions, or to just talk to me about anything.

Activity Plan:

My partner and I created the activity plan to reinforce and strengthen students’ knowledge of figurative language. The students would first read a story with many figurative language types, such as simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification, alliteration, and idiom. After that, the students would do an association activity to associate the type of figurative language with the definition and an example of the figurative language from the story.

This activity allowed me to develop further my ability to plan teaching and learning situations. The activity plan allowed the students to integrate and transfer the knowledge students had already developed on figurative language. Additionally, this activity developed their love of learning as the students were introduced to a new activity that was more hands-on than the other activities.

Lesson Plan: Quebec Culture, Recreation & Sports 1820

My partner and I created the lesson plan to introduce students to the upcoming topics they will cover in their Waypoints 5 book. First, there would be a quick review of what the students have learned in previous lessons. The students would then, in groups of 3-4, find the 5 items that go with the category their group is assigned with. Following the scavenger hunt, there would be a class discussion about their findings, why certain items were used, and their origins.

The lesson plan further developed my ability to plan teaching and learning situations and support students' love of learning. I planned a structured format for presenting the content to allow for easier comprehension from the students. Additionally, I was able to spark student interest in the topic through the introduction activity and class discussion. Furthermore, the students were able to collaborate with one another during the scavenger hunt activity. This allowed students to further their bonds with one another and discover their interests in the topic together.

Classroom Layout:

This is a classroom layout that was present in one of the teacher's classes during my field experience. I would utilize a similar classroom layout when I have my own classroom n the future. The formation of the groups allows the students to work together properly during certain activities that require group effort. The students could see the smart board/blackboard, when I am teaching, better when the classroom is in this type of layout.

In the future I would also utilize how certain items are placed in the classroom. As seen in the third image the calendar, student tasks, and group point are set up on the whiteboard, where most of the students can see them. While also having them be accessible for the student if they need a reminder of one of those items. In speaking of accessibility, many of the items the students may need throughout the year are accessible. As seen in the second picture, all the items, such as books, extra school supplies, could obtain the items by the students. Which is another reason I would use a similar classroom layout in the future.

Classroom Layout 2:

This was my cooperating teacher’s classroom layout during my field experience. I would like to utilize a similar or exact layout in my classroom in the future. All the students are grouped together, which allows for cooperation and group work to be facilitated between the students. Additionally, all the students are either face or have easy access to face the front of the classroom. This allowed all the students to see the board and the teacher during instruction. The classroom layout also allowed for more space between the groups. I also found this useful, as the students did not feel too confined and had room to move and breathe if needed.


This is an app that I witnessed teachers use to communicate with parents. The teachers could use this to remind parents of events that could be happening at school throughout the week. The app also allows teachers and parents can communicate with one another about a multitude of different items. Remind can be used on an iPad/Tablet, Smart phone, or a computer.

Reflex Math:

Reflex math is a website/app that students can use further develop their basic math skills. Reflex math can be used on an iPad/Tablet or a computer. The website/app uses games with different themes to have the students work on their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Google Classroom:

This app/website can be used by teachers and parents to contract one another. Google Classroom can also be used to remind students and parents of upcoming assignments, and a place for students to submit the assignments. Google Classroom can be used on an iPad/Tablet, Smart phone or a computer.


Raz-Kids is a learning tool used by teacher to have student develop their reading skills. Raz-Kids can be used with an iPad/Tablet or on a computer. The app/website has many different interactive ebooks at different levels, with quizzes about the ebooks.

SRA Reading Labratory:

This is a reading program I witnessed being used often in the classroom. This allows the students to practice their reading and comprehension skills. There are many SRA Reading Laboratories; the one that was used in my classroom was the 2a version. The 2a version has 12 levels for students to practice reading, starting with brown and ending with orange. This is a great learning tool as it allows students to practice reading and comprehension while advancing to each level at their own pace. Additionally, the SRA Reading Laboratory allows students to practice self-correcting and accountability. Since students answer questions about the stories they have read, there are also answer keys that allow the students to check their answers.


Mathletics is an online resource that uses a Chromebook or computer. Mathletics allows students to practice many different math skills like adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, fractions, estimation, rounding and more. The teacher can assign the work for the students, allowing the work assigned to correlate to what is being covered in the lessons. This resource was useful for students as it allowed them to reinforce their learning from the lessons and workbook. Additionally, it can give students a break from the workbook if they find themselves stuck on a problem in the workbook.