
One of the biggest challenges for this project was the coding—specifically the javascript incorporated for the game. Originally, I had many ideas for the gaming mechanics, however, I wasn’t able to properly execute them. In the end, I focused on what I could do and made sure those aspects were done to the best of my abilities.

Colour Process

I had a clear idea of what I wanted the theme to revolve around, so coming up with the colour palette for this game wasn’t a process I dreaded. I focused on using the more greyish tones of purple for the darker graphics, such as the mausoleum for both the title screen and the video game. However, for Silas, I resorted to an off-white and a saturated magenta/purple because the warmer hue fits both the roundness of the art style and the theme.


Most of the typeface of the game is hand-written with a gradient applied.

Design Process

The main theme of this game was for the ghost to collect the escaping souls of the graveyard. I started with the character design of the player, a ghost named Silas. Once the player was fully illustrated and the colour scheme was chosen, I moved on to the environmental graphics for the game itself. I wanted to emphasize the graveyard landscape and the moon—just to give the eerie vibe that a graveyard can emit. Once the overall theme of the game was set, the promotional material was easy to organize and create.


When it came to coding, as I said before, I focused on what I was able to complete effectively and properly. I incorporated a sprite sheet for Silas to face the way he was moving, with used basic CSS and HTML.


Furthermore, the game is functional, but not very engaging, whereas, the visuals and promotional material are the real strong point of this project. I believe I did the best I could considering web design is not my forte, however, the concept surrounding Silas and its graphic elements make for a solid theme for a video game.