Introduction / Minimalism

Minimalism is a movement characterized by extreme simplicity and a reduction of form to its essential elements. Originating in the 1960s, minimalism rejects the notion of artistic expression through elaborate ornamentation or narrative content. The focus is on stripping away the excess and inviting viewers to engage with the fundamental qualities of shape, colour, space, and materials. Through its deliberate simplicity, minimalism challenges traditional notions of art and encourages contemplation of the inherent beauty in simplicity itself. Artists like Donald Judd, Carl Andre, and Agnes Martin are notable figures in the minimalist movement.

Carl Andre

On Sept 16, 1935, in Qunicy, an artist was born. The American conceptual artist became who he was by the countless small jobs and hours spent working at industrial sites, a place that provided most of his influence for his art. Education-wise, Carl Andre went to study at Phillips Academy despite being under the inspection of his wife's death during that time. This man has highly influenced the minimalist movement with countless pieces of his art, such as Lever & Equivalent VIII.

Frank Stella

Frank Stella has become a known and important part in the development of Minimalism, however also participated in Post-Paintery Abstraction and Colour painting movements. Born on May 12th, 1959, Stella became highly famous for his monochromatic black and white paintings, the art showcasing his skills with his brushwork and abstract. As years went by, Stella's work ethic evolved as well. His art went from dark, monochrome colours to bright vibrant ones, eventually leading his focus of work off a canvas and into real-life 3D art.

Dan Flavin

Dan Flavin (1933-1996) was an American minimalist artist known for his pioneering work with fluorescent light fixtures. He transformed ordinary spaces into immersive experiences using commercially available light tubes in various colours and arrangements. Flavin's minimalist approach emphasized simplicity, precision, and the interplay of light, space, and colour. His work continues to influence contemporary art worldwide.